ArgParse Support
If you write CLI programs using ArgumentParser, support is included to simplify configuring logging in a standard fashion.
Calling add_logging_arguments(parser) with a parser object as a parameter will add the following paramters to your script.
- verbose
- slc-levels
- slc-modules
- slc-log-file-path
- slc-backup-count
- slc-config
Having called parser.parse_args(), the return value can be passed into configure_logging() as follows:
The following example shows how to add logging support to your CLI program.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from simple_logging_config import add_logging_arguments
from simple_logging_config import configure_logging
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Example Program')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Call your code here
Running the above program with the -h param will result in the following output
usage: [-h] [-v | --slc-levels [SLC_LEVELS ...]] [--slc-modules [SLC_MODULES ...]] [--slc-log-file-path SLC_LOG_FILE_PATH] [--slc-backup-count SLC_BACKUP_COUNT]
[--slc-config {dual,dual_rotating,dual_detailed,console,file,rotating_file}]
Example Program
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose The level of logging verbosity for the default handler. Use multiple times (up to -vvv) for increased
--slc-level LEVELS, --slc-levels LEVELS
The log level(s) to be applied to attached handlers. This value can be a single integer or a string
representing a defined log level. Or it can be a string representing a dictionary where key/value pairs
are handler names and the log level to be associated with that handler
--slc-modules [MODULES ...]
The names of the modules to be logged. If omitted all modules are logged.
--slc-log-file-path LOG_FILE_PATH
The path the log file will be saved to. If this is a folder, the log file will be saved to this folder
with the file name derived from the name of the calling script. Otherwise, assume this is a full path to
a named log file.
--slc-backup-count BACKUP_COUNT
An integer specifying The number of backup log files to retain.
--slc-config {dual,dual_rotating,dual_detailed,console,file,rotating_file}
The name of the logging config to be used.